Sunday, February 21, 2010

All Growns Up

Well, not quite. But Simon is really starting to be much more aware of what's around him. It's fun to see.

Also, he's really taking to sleep training. The most it takes for him to fall asleep is 10-15 minutes. EVERYONE in the house appreciates that.

As soon as we finished drying him after his bath he decided he wasn't done being wet.

Hilda took most of these last week.

I am only 53 days old and already contemplating the meaning of life.

Look who learned how to drool!

What a showoff!

The damn kid is gettin' so big that he won't fully fit in the sling anymore. But it still helps calm him down in times of strife.

GG came to visit on Friday and they had a nice time.

This could be just one of those lucky shots.

GG, Papa and great-uncle Scott visited this afternoon. Scott was kind enough to bring over some gifts and pose for a few.

And finally, my two favorite people.


Ketti Menne said...

He is getting so big, so cute!

Unknown said...

Look at those CHEEKS! Wow, that kid is getting big!