Saturday, March 27, 2010

We're Back

It's been a while since I've posted, so my apologies. You can't rush greatness.

Michael Jordan, you ain't got nothin' on me.

To me, in shots like these he looks like his cousin Samuel.

Apparently he likes studying for the Series 24 exam.

Last weekend great-uncle Mark and great aunt Karen came to visit from Connecticut. Saturday we spent the day in Milwaukee. Many of these photos were taken by them, so many thanks K&B!

They did not come empty-handed as you can see.

Sometimes he needs a little help to smile.

Karen did a very good job of keeping the Theo-Simon lovefest at a minimum.

Don't you mess with my formula!

What a nice place to stretch out.

Even though Saba tries to stay away from dogs, Theo is persistent.

Aunt Robyn was also in town visiting from Israel, and this was the first time she had seen her nephew.

It's nice when others can hold him for a while, so we can chill.

Sunday was spent back at our place. Here Simon has just finished eating (nice job, Nana!) and is feeling pretty relaxed.

I do need some circulation to perform basic life functions, kid, so let go!

His hair is not this red, but it is getting darker. The sun aided in the redness on this shot.

Look at the brothers getting along so well.

It's also nice when others want to hold him so I can focus on the NCAA Tourney.

Simon already has very strong legs and enjoys displaying his standing prowess.

These are from the last week.

Look at the hair!

The kid thinks I am hilarious, what can I say?

Hilda took these.

Monday, March 15, 2010


This kid's a fast learner. Just when I gave him some constructive criticism about only sleeping 3-4 hours straight, he set his record last night of seven hours! 8pm-3am!! And it's 6:22am now and he's been sleeping since 3:30am! What a guy.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Perfectly Almost Perfect

Of course we think Simon is that magical "P" word, but if all we did was compliment him 24/7/365 then what would he have to work on?

Those nights of five and six hours of straight sleep didn't last long. What a tease. We're back to 3-4, but not too bad.

I will say that he is smiling A LOT now and we love it.

Finally, we had some wonderful visitors this weekend: grandma Frances, great aunt Lynda Larson and cousin Sara Larson drove in from Minneapolis.

On to the pictures. This first one is no Van Gogh, but a decent self-portrait I have to say.

Apparently this is how the kids are wearing sweaters these days.

He may need an agent soon as I think GQ is calling my cell right now.

It's so easy being him.

My mom (i.e. grandma Frances) babysat last night for a few hours as Rachel and I attended a banquet at the Evanston Golf Club. Simon said she was pretty good, but she didn't let him eat any ice cream or play video games.

After breakfast this morning we stopped by GG and Papa's for more passing around. Simon's other cousin Sarah (Bosley this time) was in town from U of I.

Great uncle Scott also was in attendance.

And we even let Mommy hold him! (also you'll see him standing there. Obviously he can't walk yet but he does like stretching his legs out and is pretty strong already. If he's not beating Roger Bannister soon I'll be VERY disappointed).

Tonight we put him in the regular bath tub and he seemed to have a good time.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Turning A Corner?

We've started to put Simon in the crib for the night, and he's doing great. Usually he's sleeping about six hours in there, and after perhaps 30 minutes of feeding/soothing he's back to sleep until about 6am or so. Let's hope that continues!

Life is easy...he's got someone to feed/change him, and something to stop his drool.

Practicing the one-handed grab while tip-toeing the sideline. The next Cris Carter? (who, by the way, should be in the Hall of Fame! C'mon voters!).

Once in the end zone you gotta do a touchdown dance. He's still working on his signature style.